Life Is Better In Hamilton, Indiana

Online Bill Pay

Hamilton is now accepting online payment options for the following:

Utility Bills

Hamilton Utility Bills can now be paid online via a credit card.

We are pleased to offer you a new service: The Direct Payment Plan. Now you can have your payment deducted automatically from your checking or savings account. And, you won't have to change your present banking relationship to take advantage of this service. It's easy to sign up for, easy to cancel. No late charges.

The Direct Payment Plan will help you in several ways:

  • It saves time - fewer checks to write and mail.
  • Helps pay your bills in a convenient and timely manner, even if you're on vacation or out of town.
  • Your payment is always on time. It helps maintain good credit.
  • It saves postage. Many people spend close to $100 a year on postage.

Here's how the Direct Payment Plan works:
You authorize regularly scheduled payments to be made from your checking or savings account. Then, just sit back and relax. Your payments will be made automatically on the specified day. And proof of payment will appear on both your bill as well as the statement you receive from your financial institution.

The authority you give to charge your account will remain in effect until you notify us in writing to terminate the authorization. The Direct Payment Plan is dependable, flexible, convenient and easy. To take advantage of this service, complete an authorization form for the Town of Hamilton and return it to us.

Sewer Bills

Pay your Hamilton Sewer Bill on the Hamilton Lake Conservancy Website.



The Chamber is now offering online payment options. Include the Purpose of Payment to make any of the following:

  • Membership Dues (New or Renewal)
  • Promotional Items
  • Tickets